Weight Loss Management

Physician Assisted Weight Management Program

A Physician-supervised Weight-loss program focuses on treating people who are overweight, obese, or severely obese in a clinical setting with a licensed Nurse Practitioner. The programs at the Diabetes and Wellness Center offer services such as nutrition and physical activity counseling as well as behavioral therapy.

The cost to participate in a Weight Loss Management program varies depending upon the services offered. Your health insurance may cover some or all of your treatment, particularly if you have weight-related health conditions such as heart disease, hypertension or diabetes.

Initial Appointment:

Our licensed nurse practitioner specializing in obesity treatment provides the initial consultation. The first appointment involves a focused medical evaluation for diseases related to obesity and causative factors, along with a physical. In addition, we will look at your weight history, which includes past diet attempts, and may conduct a thorough psychological history.

Many of the patients who come to the Diabetes and Wellness Center have undiagnosed diabetes, high cholesterol, thyroid disorders, abnormal liver tests or obstructive sleep apnea.

Overall, the nurse practitioner may include all or a few of the weight loss management techniques:

  • Behavior Modifications (diet and exercise)
  • Pre-packaged Meal Replacement Plans
  • Pharmacotherapy (weight-loss medications)

Behavior Modifications:

Diet and exercise are often the first place a person starts when it comes to weight-loss, and most individuals affected by obesity do struggle with this; however, diet and exercise should be the first place for you to start. Regardless of the route you choose, lifestyle modifications through diet and exercise are essential to the success of any weight-loss program.  The average patient loses 6-8 pounds the first week, 5-7 pounds the second week and then 2-4 pounds a week thereafter.


We just need to control the calories that we consume, right? Unfortunately, deprivation from foods we are used to eating is difficult to accept by our bodies and minds. Dieting can cause the body to react by activating compensatory mechanisms that increase appetite and slow metabolism. This makes dieting even harder.

Physical Activity:

Physical activity is an important addition to diet, as it boosts metabolism and increases weight-loss. Even 20 minutes of physical activity per day will benefit you in helping to maintain weight-loss long-term.

How do the Meal Replacements work?

Individuals who are interested in starting a supervised weight management program must do so through our licensed Nurse Practitioner. A medically supervised weight loss management program has many phases structured to the needs of the person seeking weight-loss.


Individual results will vary by program, but patients may lose as much as 50 pounds or more in 18-24 weeks.  Average is 20 pounds a month here at our program.

Follow-up Visits:

Patients are given the opportunity to revisit a topic or obtain more information on an area of interest during follow-up visits. Frequent patient visits are encouraged until initial weight-loss goals are achieved. 

Call us today at 402-379-9600 to schedule a weight loss consultation!  

Facing Diabetes Lifestyle Challenges

Resources - Weight Loss Management

Building a Balanced Meal

Building a Balanced Meal

This fully illustrated fact sheet shows patients how to use a plate to create a balanced meal and how to estimate portion sizes so that each meal is a healthy one.

Dining Out with Diabetes

Dining Out with Diabetes

This fact sheet explains how planning ahead and mkaing smart food choices allows patients with diabetes to successfully enjoy dining out.

Know Your Numbers

Know Your Numbers

This fact sheet lists the numbers that patients with diabetes need to track and manage in order to achieve the best possible health.

Low Blood Sugar

Low Blood Sugar

This fact sheet will help patients recognize the signs of hypoglycemia and provides information for managing the condition.

Making Healthy Fast Food Choices

Making Healthy Fast Food Choices

Fast foods are not always healthy ones, but more and more people are eating them on a very regular basis. This fact sheet helps patients understand how to make healthy choices in fast food restaurants.

Reading a Nutrition Facts Label

Reading a Nutrition Facts Label

This fact sheet leads patients through a Nutrition Facts label step by step, pointing out exactly what to look for so that they can choose foods that fit their meal plan.

Carb Counting and Meal Planning

Carb Counting and Meal Planning

Helps your patients understand everything from the basics of planning healthy meals to the specifics of counting carbohydrates and gauging portion sizes. Literature is sent in a quantity of 10 per pack.

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